Sunday, November 17, 2013

India Journal: Bourne Again Moments

Looking out from our west balcony near sunset
The Guru and I sit on our western balcony around 6 in the evening to watch the sunset. We look out over the solid green canopy of trees below our seventh story perch. A few highrises stare back at us, but they don't grab our attention. The sky usually has some mix of clouds, which, if we're lucky, are just enough to allow a palette to form a multicolored sunset. 
A typical sunset view for us

The kites (birds), crows, and very large bats provide aerial displays of acrobatics and, with the help of some parrots, plenty of chatter for our auditory entertainment. In the distance, we hear the muezzin calling the faithful of Islam to prayer. A short while later, after the sun has set, we hear the bells--small bells between the size of church bells and the bells that altar boys rang at mass--that mark the start of worship at the nearby Hindu temple. Meanwhile, the breeze from the ocean just beyond our horizon cools us while at the same time it allows the kites to glide upon its lift, layered above us  at altitudes from eye-level to heights barely visible to us. 

We've come to call these Bourne moments, as if we're in a movie, like a Bourne flick*, in some remote part of world living a life of intrigue and adventure. Well, not so much intrigue, but it is an adventure. I  think the Guru's shirt captures something. 
I think that the adventure is underway

 *The opening scenes of the Bourne Supremacy are set in Goa, just up the coast from us. 

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